Our Mission & Vision

Mission Statement: Texas City High School will create a positive culture for every student and practitioner to grow and learn.
Vision Statement: To cultivate the next generation of leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
Quick Look
Enrollment: 1,746
Grade: 9 - 12
School Colors: Orange & Black
Mascot: Stingarees
Office Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30pm
Class Hours: 7:15 am - 2:50 pm
Address: 1431 9th Avenue North
TEL: (409) 916-0800
FAX: (409) 944-1675
State Accountability
- 2019 - Met Standard
- 2018 - Met Standard
- 2017 - Met Standard
- 2016 - Met Standard
- 2015 - Met Standard
- 2014 - Met Standard
- 2013 - Met Standard
- 2011 - Academically Acceptable
- 2010 - Academically Recognized
Grading Guidelines
- The student will have one opportunity to improve any cumulative test or project grade 69 or below.
- This will be accomplished by completing a test or project covering the same objective/skill.
- After the original test is returned to the student, the student will have “two school days” to request the reassessment. The student must return the original graded test to the teacher.
- The due date for the assignment or the retake of the test will be determined by the teacher.
- The higher grade of the two “tests/projects” will be recorded with a passing grade of 70 being the maximum number of points earned. (example: if a student receives a grade of 70 or above on the retake, a grade of 70 will be recorded)
- Secondary Grading Guidelines
Alma Mater & Fight Song

Alma Mater
Hail TC High School
Hail, hail to thee
Thy sons and daughters
True will always be.
Faithful forever
We pledge to be:
Our hearts will ever
Favor only thee.
Thy banners signify
Our loyalty:
Thy spirit cannot die
On to victory!
Fight Song
All hail to TC High School
We sing praise to thee.
A better school than ours
There surely cannot be.
Rah! Rah!
All hail to TC High School
We sing praise to thee
And to thy name and honor
We pledge loyalty.