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In 2014, Texas City High School introduced our Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program to the students of TCHS.

What is MCJROTC?

The MCJROTC mission is to develop character and citizenship in the youth of America.

Through the MCJROTC program, the goal is to:

  • Give students an appreciation for the origin, advantages and responsibilities of citizenship
  • Develop and understanding of leadership skills and the advantages of strong moral character
  • Promote in the students an undersatning for the need and application of national security
  • Develop in students a sense of pride and personal discipline.


MCJROTC is under the supervision of:

Sgt. Major Ramon Nash

GySgt Travis Daniels

What is the Marine Corps?

The United States Marine Corps was born in 1775 and serves as an expeditionary force-in-readiness and has three primary areas of responsibility:

  • Seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns.
  • Development of tactics, technique and equipment used by amphibious landing forces in coordination with the Army and Air Force
  • Such other duties as the President or Department of Defense may direct